About Build and deploy based on 5W1H
As a person who even don’t know about ‘b’ and ‘d’ of build and deploy, I’m going to write a post about both of them through my view.
Actually my mission(?) is ‘just’ studying about deployment but when I did some research, I found out deployment is always be with build. So, I’ll start my post with a definition of build but just in high level.
- Who: Developer, DevOps.. someone who wants
- What: Build
- When: When developer want to make their code as an executable software
- Where: From their local PC (Using Jenkins or something)
- Why: To make source codes to executable softwares
- How: Using build tool such as IntelliJ, maven, ant, etc… Or using cloud environment (AWS CodeBuild)
So, at the moment, build is not my job so I will stop here.
여기서 수정!! (20210805)
위에서는 Build는 내 작업이 아니라고 했는데, Jenkins 사용 시 빌드도 같이 진행함.
- Who: DevOps, SRE.. someone who wants
- What: Deploy
- When: After build is completed and when it should be spread out to user environment
- Where: From their local PC (Using Jenkins or something)
- Why: To modify/update programs (For example, a developer create a new function, add to an application and he/she wants to spread this new stuff to users. Then this should be deployed first.)
- How: Using tools such as Jenkins or using cloud environment (AWS CodeDeploy)